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Frieze Carpet

Frieze carpeting has long strands of tightly twisted yarn to create a relaxed look for your floors with a thick, soft feel for your feet.



$20.72/sq. ft.

Kane Carpet

$22.84/sq. ft.

Kane Carpet

$40.75/sq. ft.
Shaggy Glamazon
Shaggy Glamazon


$17.78/sq. ft.
Shaggy Kasbah
Shaggy Kasbah


$17.45/sq. ft.
Shaggy Luxe
Shaggy Luxe


$18.43/sq. ft.
Shaggy Plush
Shaggy Plush


$19.56/sq. ft.
Shaggy Pop
Shaggy Pop


$22.35/sq. ft.
Shaggy Posh
Shaggy Posh


$22.35/sq. ft.
Shaggy Stratus
Shaggy Stratus


$22.35/sq. ft.
Shaggy Superstar
Shaggy Superstar


$11.25/sq. ft.
Shaggy Swag
Shaggy Swag


$15.49/sq. ft.

What Is Frieze Carpet?


You've got your hands full with children, a daily schedule that's packed solid, and a slew of family pets that seems to be expanding every time you turn around. You're desperate for a carpeting solution that's comfortable without looking boring or feeling rough underfoot. And goodness knows you don't have time each day to vacuum up the unbelievable amount of tracked-in dirt and pet hair tumbleweeds. That's where frieze carpeting comes in! 


This stylish and low-key carpet option takes a page from the blockbuster shag carpeting of the '60s and '70s, leveraging long strands of tightly twisted yarn to create a relaxed look with a thick, soft feel. Frieze carpeting complements a farmhouse modern living area as well as an eccentric, artsy den, and don't forget the unique styles of each family member's bedroom! With frieze, you can get just the look you want with the feel and durability you were hoping for.


Pros and Cons of Frieze Carpet


You're pretty certain frieze is the right carpet type for your home, but you want to know the good, the bad, and the ugly first. There are several benefits to frieze carpeting, like its: 


A couple of considerations to be aware of when looking at frieze options: 




Frieze carpet is the modern-day version of shag carpeting, perfect for all of your family's coziest places, including the den, living room, and bedrooms. It doesn’t have the prim and proper uniformity of plush carpeting but instead showcases twisted, uneven fibers that look messy yet sophisticated and infuse  comfort and warmth into every space in a stylish, casual way. 


Whether you choose a solid earth tone, a bolder hue, or a multi-colored option, you'll appreciate how well frieze carpeting conceals the hair, dust, and debris that accumulates between vacuuming sessions


Maintenance for Frieze Carpet


You may be excited to have the high pile of your new frieze carpet working in your favor, hiding your kids' constant footprints. But when it comes to keeping it clean, it can be a little trickier than other carpet styles. Read and follow the manufacturer's guidance, which will likely include adjusting the brush on your vacuum to prevent fraying the carpet fibers. Even if routine cleaning takes a little forethought, run the sweeper regularly to ensure a long life for your carpet. 


When the inevitable spill occurs, whether it's subtle like water or undeniably obvious like your favorite glass of red wine, blot the area. Don't rub, which can cause the tips of the carpet yarn to bloom and wear faster. 


How Durable is Frieze Carpeting? 


You can rest assured that you're getting your money's worth with frieze carpet. This carpet style is especially durable thanks to its high-twist fibers that often fall to one side or another. This leads to a casual beauty that softens up your living area, bedrooms, and playroom, plus it helps the carpet wear well. No dingy, flat carpet patches in your future! 


Lifespan and Installation


After weeks of comparison shopping and research, you've made your decision! Though you're almost done, you've still got one of the most important aspects of your new purchase to decide on: installation. Opting for professional installers will not only lead to efficient service and a beautiful end result, but it will also ensure that the all-important warranty isn't voided. 


Another thing that a professional installation positively impacts: the longevity of your frieze carpeting. Though it's only one variable, it's an important one. Other factors that will help you have years of comfortable, gorgeous carpeting: 




Frieze vs. plush carpet


The difference between frieze carpet and plush carpet made from the same fiber materials is all in how it looks. Both are cut styles with exposed ends. With plush carpeting, the yarns are cut to the same length, giving it a smooth, uniform look that's perfect for your elegant living room remodel. Frieze carpeting features uneven yarn lengths, which results in a fun, contemporary style that works especially well with bohemian and modern design styles.


Is frieze carpet good for pets? 


The short answer is yes! Whether you've got one sweet furry friend or a whole litter of playful critters, frieze carpet can be a fabulous choice for pet-friendly households. No need to worry about loops snagging their little nails since the fibers are cut. Paw prints, hair, and miscellaneous debris are less obvious thanks to the long, textured yarns of frieze carpeting. 

With that benefit, though, comes a caveat: the mixed yarn height can also make it harder to spot accidents, so a quality stain warranty is worth the investment.